
Facultad Ingeniería

Christopher Nikulin
Christopher Nikulin
Christopher Nikulin

Christopher Nikulin es Ingeniero Civil Mecánico de la Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria. Tiene 3 Magister en diferentes especialidades y es Doctor en Ingeniería Mecánica del Politécnico de Milán. Se especializa en creatividad y uso de tecnología para el diseño de productos y servicios en contexto social e industrial. Posee más de 30 publicaciones en revistas indexadas y conferencias a nivel internacional.

INVESTIGACIONES (líneas de investigación):

Académico responsable: Christopher Nikulin

  • Abstract de investigación 1: Utilización de Inteligencia Artificial Generativa a través de prompts para mejorar el proceso de creación y gestión de proyectos.
  • Abstract de investigación 2: Metodología de hackaton para acelerar el proceso de creación y de productos con base tecnológica, trabajo en conjunto con el Politecnico di Milano.
  • Abstract de investigación 3: Métodos de aprendizajes en colegios en temas financieros para crear conciencia sobre la gestión del dinero para familias de escasos recursos, trabajo en conjunto a la Universidad  de Santiago de Chile.
  • Abstract de investigación 4: Creación de nuevos productos y servicios para la industria del Litio a través de la teoría C-K, trabajo en conjunto a la Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria.
  • Abtract investigación 5: Creación metodologías agiles de innovación y emprendimiento para la inclusión social, trabajo en conjunto con la Universidad de Deusto.




Christopher Nikulin is  Mechanical Engineer from Federico Santa Maria Technical University. He holds three Master's degrees in different specialties and a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano. His expertise lies in creativity and the use of technology for product and service design within social and industrial contexts. He has authored over 30 publications in indexed journals and presented at international conferences.


  1. Nikulin, Christopher, et al. "NASA-TLX for predictability and measurability of instructional design models: case study in design methods." Educational Technology Research and Development 67 (2019): 467-493.
  2. Nikulin, Christopher, and Gabriela Becker. "Una metodología Sistémica y creativa para la gestión estratégica: Caso de Estudio Región de Atacama-Chile." Journal of technology management & innovation 10.2 (2015): 127-144
  3. Nikulin Chandia, Christopher, et al. "Metodología para el análisis de problemas y limitaciones en emprendimientos universitarios." Innovar 27.63 (2017): 91-105.
  4. Nikulin, Christopher, et al. "An algorithm for supply chain integration based on OTSM-TRIZ." Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 75 (2013): 383-396.
  5. Viveros, Pablo, et al. "Resolving equipment failure causes by root cause analysis and theory of inventive problem solving." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability 228.1 (2014): 93-111.
  6. Nikulin, Christopher, et al. "FORMAT–building an original methodology for technology forecasting through researchers exchanges between industry and academia." Procedia engineering 131 (2015): 1084-1093.
  7. Nikulin, C., et al. "An algorithm for root cause analysis integration based on OTSM-TRIZ: Complex problem analysis." Safety, Reliability and Risk Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications (2013): 643-650.
  8. Sanhueza, Karen Scarlette, and Christopher Nikulin. "A framework for design methods, models and techniques for product and process development: A novel classification to increase their applicability in practices." Business Process Management Journal 25.7 (2019): 1759-1782.
  9. Nikulin, Christopher, et al. "Enhancing creativity for development of automation solutions using OTSM-TRIZ: A systematic case study in agronomic industry." Advances in Mechanical Engineering 10.1 (2018): 1687814017751950
  10. Nikulin, Christopher, et al. "Integrated model for technology assessment and expected evolution: a case study in the Chilean mining industry." Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science 17.4 (2013): 53-80.
  11. Becattini, N., Cascini, G., & Nikulin, C. (2015). Modelling the dynamics of products and processes requirements. Procedia engineering, 131, 661-671.
  12. Nikulin, Christopher, Paulina Solis, and Mónica López-Campos. "A methodology to improve the decision-making process: Integration of system dynamics models and decision theory with TRIZ." International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS) 9.1 (2018): 59-81.
  13. Nikulin, Christopher, et al. "A computer-aided application for modeling and monitoring operational and maintenance information in mining trucks." Archives of Mining Sciences61.3 (2016): 695-708.


  • Research Abstract 1: Utilization of Generative Artificial Intelligence through prompts to enhance the process of creation and project management.
  • Research Abstract 2: Hackathon methodology to expedite the creation process of technology-based products, in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano.
  • Research Abstract 3: Learning methods in schools on financial topics to raise awareness about money management for low-income families, in collaboration with the University of Santiago de Chile.
  • Research Abstract 4: Creation of new products and services for the Lithium industry through the C-K theory, in collaboration with Federico Santa Maria Technical University.
  • Research Abstract 5: Development of agile innovation and entrepreneurship methodologies for social inclusion, in collaboration with the University of Deusto.

Investigación y publicaciones